Monday, May 23, 2011


Yes we’re going swimming we’re going swimming I said in my head over and over again. I was absolutely excited that the yr 5 and 6 students get to go swimming for 2011. I was in Mr Marks group as I was very confident at swimming, even if I didn’t go to that group I would have got sent there anyway.

“Common Girls go and have a quick rinse off then hop in the pool” Mr Marks told us. I quickly rinsed off then hopped inside the pool. “Brrrrrrrrr”! I shrieked aloud. The water was freezing cold,Brooklyn was already under the water so I went down with her, totally forgetting about the temperate of the pool. But once it was my turn to swim,I was so nervous that by that point I was no longer feeling like an Ice cube.

“Common Girls go and have a quick rinse off then hop in the pool” Mr Marks told us. I quickly rinsed off. When Mr Marks told me to do freestyle I was so delighted because freestyle is my favourite swimming style. So then I Ducked under the water,Pushed off the wall and opened my eyes quickly to make sure I was right on track. I lifted my head and gasped for air. As soon as I was under the water again, my arms automatically lifted, and my legs were powered up like an brand new engine. I really only had to brush up on my breathing techniques, as I had to make sure my head was touching the side of my arm and I think I improved quite a bit.

As time passed and people were improving even more It was nearly time to go back to school and I had no Idea what was happening until I saw People racing each other. Then there were more people racing,and more, and more. I wanted to race Serena But then I had to race Ashleigh.

Now it was just Ashleigh, I and the water. I could feel my legs powering up and lungs getting ready to have a bit of a hold up. THEN.......................... GO, We were off. I could feel Ashleigh was right behind me so I had to turn my speediness up notch. Then I hit the wall and quickly looked back and then realised I was the WINNER. But that was only because Ashleigh had a sore ankle. Though winning is winning and I had won fair and square.

But then it was time to go back to school. I am lucky that I have swimming every Friday, that was my secret weapon!!!!!!!!!!!

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